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B-Rel Skydiving Stages Explained

Find out what's required to advance to your skydiving B certificate.

Skydiver in freefall over countryside
The Skydive School | B-Rel Skydving Stages Explained

Once you've completed your AFF Learn to Skydive course with The Skydive School, you're able to begin your b-rel skydiving stages with a qualified skydiving coach as you work towards becoming a certified skydiver.

Of course, you do not need to complete the Certificate Class B Training Guide in order to become licensed - you'll gain your A Class Certificate first, but you may begin your b-rels before holding a skydiving license.

The sooner you start your b-rels the better as they further your education on becoming a competent skydiver who can fly safely with others. The b-rel table builds on the fundamentals of skydiving and introduces vital skills such as spotting, understanding jump run, approaching and exiting formations, canopy awareness and traffic, reading weather, parachute packing, docking, pivot turns, and much more.

In this post, we'll run through the b-rel skydiving stages to give you a concise idea of the process. Good luck.

B-Rel Skydiving Stages Explained

There may be six stages of b-rels but it will take you more than six jumps as stage six consists of three separate descents. Each stage is qualified, which means you must demonstrate the required skill-level to be signed off on each. Saying that, it is possible to ace the required skills of two stages in one jump. Just don't rush it. Safety always comes first. Expect at least nine jumps to complete your b-rels.

Stage 1 - Freefall and Canopy Awareness

  • spotting

  • freefall and height awareness

  • slow and fast falling

  • pivot turns (turning on the spot in freefall)

  • tension awareness

  • S tracking

  • rear riser turns

  • safe landing navigation

In b-rel stage one and moving forward to the subsequent b-rel stages, you will be expected to pick the "spot", otherwise known as the exit point. Don't worry, your coach will go through this with you prior to the jump and assist in the aircraft. From exit (linked or unlinked with your coach), you'll demonstrate fast falling in line with your coach, height awareness, maintaining a heading, forward movement, brake-off, turn and track, and safe canopy flying while initiating riser turns, stall recovery practices and a safe landing.

Cost: $185 for The Skydive School AFF students. $225 for everyone else, which is inclusive of coaching, jump tickets, gear hire and parachute packing services.

skydiver in side dock
The Skydive School | B-Rel Skydiving Stage 2

Stage 2 - Side Docking and Flat Canopy Turns

  • leg turns

  • side docking

  • flat turns under canopy

Stage two of the b-rels table is all about learning to side dock within a formation. After exiting the aircraft with your coach (linked or unlinked), your coach will demonstrate a side body dock/grip then back away. Now it's your turn to present your side to your coach. Repeat this manoeuvre while height allows. Under canopy, you'll practise flat turns.

NOTE: Practise all canopy training above 2000 feet only.

Cost: $185 for The Skydive School AFF students. $225 for everyone else, which is inclusive of coaching, jump tickets, gear hire and parachute packing services.

Stage 3 - Outward Docking, Brake and Flare Turns

  • unlinked exit

  • dock and outfacing turn

  • brake and flare turns under canopy

In b-rel stage three, you must exit unlinked with your coach. After facing off and docking with your coach in freefall, perform a 180 pivot turn so you are in an outfacing position (your legs towards your coach's arms). Repeat until heights allows, then break off from coach, turn and track away. Your parachute practise will be brake and flare turns.

Cost: $185 for The Skydive School AFF students. $225 for everyone else, which is inclusive of coaching, jump tickets, gear hire and parachute packing services.

Stage 4 - Outward Turns and Harness Turns

  • introduction to sequential manoeuvring

  • offset turning and docking using 270 and 180 degree turns

  • weight shift harness turns under canopy

In stage four, you'll perform many turns to achieve offset docking with your coach. This skydiving b-rel is all about teaching you to stay in your own lane, so to speak, when flying with others while performing turns. Now, it's time to try some harness turn under your parachute.

Full details and instructions can be found in the Certificate Class B Training Guide.

Cost: $185 for The Skydive School AFF students. $225 for everyone else, which is inclusive of coaching, jump tickets, gear hire and parachute packing services.

Stage 5 - 3-Way Jump

  • pivot turns and docking with your coach and one other skydiver

  • relative height maintenance

Now, your newfound skydiving skills are put to the test in b-rel stage five as you jump with your coach and one other skydiver (another novice skydiver is allowed). Your main goal here is to remain at relative height with your fellow jumpers while performing docks as planned prior the the jump. After an unlinked exit, novices will fly to coach, grip, then release. Novices take up side grips on the coach, release, then coach will do a 180 turn. Repeat docking sequences until height allows. Novices are to initiate the break, turn and track sequence.

B-rel skydiving stage 5 allows you to choose any previous canopy skills to practise.

Cost: $185 for The Skydive School AFF students. $225 for everyone else, which is inclusive of coaching, jump tickets, gear hire and parachute packing services. The novice jumper is required to find one qualified skydiver to participate in their b-rel stage five jump. The participant is required to purchase a height jump ticket.

4 skydivers near aircraft
The Skydive School | Learning to Jump with Others

Stage 6 - 4-Ways (3 jumps required)

  • organise a jump

  • flying within a group

  • intro to formation jumps

  • handling yourself in canopy traffic

Stage six of the b-rels consists of three separate jumps with three other skydivers: your coach and two other qualified, and willing, skydivers. This time, you must plan each jump under the guidance of your coach. In addition, there are very specific requirements associated with b-rel stage six. They are:

  • One jump must be a three point 4-way with breaks in the formation

  • One (or more) jump must be an unlinked exit

  • The novice must enter the formation 3rd or 4th on at least two jumps

  • The novice must organise the jumps' de-brief

  • Obtain vertical separation to reduce landing congestion

Cost: $185 for The Skydive School AFF students. $225 for everyone else, which is inclusive of coaching, jump tickets, gear hire and parachute packing services. The novice is required to find two qualified skydivers to participate in their b-rel stage six jumps. The participants are required to purchase height jump tickets for themselves.

B Class Certificate Requirements

In order to receive your B certificate, you'll need:

• Your A certificate

• To complete the Class B training table (b-rels) as specified by the APF with a qualified coach

• To complete a written assessment

• 50 stable jumps and 10 minutes of freefall in your logbook

• 10 accurate landings within 25m of target, witnessed and signed-off by an instructor

• To locate the correct exit point (spotting)

• To be signed off as competent to pack a parachute

That's it! Once you've completed the B-Rel Skydiving Stages and the other requirements, you're ready to be signed-off by the Chief Instructor (at their discretion, of course).

See you at the DZ.

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